Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The House Finch

The House Finch

One day, while sitting on the front porch, I noticed a little bird perched atop my weeping cherry tree. As I kept watch from time to time, I noticed that she was always perched there, day after day. 

I didn't realize at first that she was guarding her nest, but one day I noticed her fly to one of my silk plants hanging on my porch. As I walked out of the house onto the front porch, she flew away, circled and landed back on her perch atop the little cherry tree.

I decided to investigate and this is what I found...2 little eggs in a nest!

Two Little Eggs...

I continued to check every day. Soon there were three eggs and then there were four! I kept watch over the nest and the little bird, being careful not to disturb the nest as little as possible. I'd pulled a little step ladder up to the hanging planter and left it there for several days so I could just step up and peek inside of the nest. Once I surprised the momma bird who flew out of the nest scaring me more than I scared her!

Soon the eggs hatched and there were four little baby birds, chirping for food and attention. Even without feathers, they were so cute!

Feed Me!

From time to time the chirping would stop and I knew they were satisfied for now, at least until the next feeding...


One day I went out to check and the baby birds were gone and so was the momma bird. I don't know what happened to them. I don't think they were big enough to leave the nest...I guess I'll never know.

I miss seeing momma bird out on my weeping cherry tree. The little nest sat empty for a very long time. I guess she found another home for the next little family she had.

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